
Music Theory Online: Level 4

Register with private piano lessons: $20Register with non-piano private lessons: $99All others: $270*Discount applied at checkoutIn Theory Level 4 students continue their study of rhythm, scales, key signatures, intervals, chords, and musical signs and terms. Level 4...

Music Theory Online: Level 7

Register with private piano lessons: $20Register with non-piano private lessons: $99All others: $270*Discount applied at checkoutIn Theory Level 7 students continue their study of rhythm, scales, key signatures, intervals, and chords. Level 7 introduces cross rhythms,...

Recording Jazz Ensemble

This jazz-focused combo offers students an opportunity to learn about ensemble playing while also exploring modern day music recording. Students create a recording and take part in the entire process from to recording to mixing and mastering, over the course of 8...

Music Theory Lab: Youth and Teens

Register with private piano: $20Register with non-piano private lessons: $99All others: $270*Discount will be applied at checkout Students who enroll in the music theory lab will complete one level of the theory sequence over the course of the semester. This in-person...

Music Theory Lab: Youth and Teens

Register with private piano: $20Register with non-piano private lessons: $99All others: $270*Discount will be applied at checkout Students who enroll in the music theory lab will complete one level of the theory sequence over the course of the semester. This in-person...