
Cantemos y Bailemos II & III (outdoor)

Whether you would like to reinforce the Spanish that is already spoken at home or would like to expose your child to the music of Latin America and Spain, this class provides a wonderful opportunity for a parent or caregiver and child to make music together as they...

Adventures in Music (in-person)

In this class, children and their parent/caregiver continue to engage in a wide variety of musical activities, including singing as well as playing age-appropriate un-pitched percussion instruments. Circle dances and structured movement activities are also crucial...

Music Time for Babies and Toddlers (in-person)

This class provides a wonderful opportunity for babies and toddlers to discover the joys of making music through singing, chanting, simple finger plays, wiggles, tickles, bounces, listening and movement. Age-appropriate percussion instruments are used to internalize...

Exploring and Discovering Music (in-person)

This class expands on the musical foundation presented in Exploring Music (not a prerequisite). More complex songs and games are used to reinforce and expand musical literacy concepts such as beat, rhythm, melodic form, harmony, and expression. Students develop...

Exploring and Discovering Music (in-person)

This class expands on the musical foundation presented in Exploring Music (not a prerequisite). More complex songs and games are used to reinforce and expand musical literacy concepts such as beat, rhythm, melodic form, harmony, and expression. Students develop...