
Adventures in Music

In this First Music class for 3s, children and their caregivers engage in a wide variety of musical activities, including singing as well as playing age-appropriate, un-pitched percussion instruments. Circle dances and structured movement activities are also crucial...

Adventures in Music

In this First Music class for 3s, children and their caregivers engage in a wide variety of musical activities, including singing as well as playing age-appropriate, un-pitched percussion instruments. Circle dances and structured movement activities are also crucial...

Round We Go for Families

This First Music class for our youngest learners provides a wonderful opportunity for a caregivers and children to make music together as we all participate in singing songs and lullabies, chants, finger plays, wiggles, bounces, listening, and movement. We’ll learn...

Round We Go for Families

This First Music class for our youngest learners provides a wonderful opportunity for a caregivers and children to make music together as we all participate in singing songs and lullabies, chants, finger plays, wiggles, bounces, listening, and movement. We’ll learn...

Adventures in Music

In this First Music class for 3s, children and their caregivers engage in a wide variety of musical activities, including singing as well as playing age-appropriate, un-pitched percussion instruments. Circle dances and structured movement activities are also crucial...