Register with private piano: $50
Register with non-piano private lessons: $99
All others: $188
Students who enroll in this class will complete one level of the theory sequence over the course of the 8-week summer session. Each level consists of 6-8 units, including interactive video lessons, assignments, and quizzes. In this asynchronous class, students can log on any day/time of the week to complete their work and may also sign up for a video chat with the instructor for additional help.
Levine’s online music theory classes use an innovative digital classroom that provides easy access to course materials and seamless communication between students and instructors. Integrated instructional software allows students to build musical fluency in an interactive environment.
Please note: Students should register for a free online placement test to determine placement in Levels 1-10. After completing the test, you will receive a class recommendation and registration link from the Department Chair.
For a complete description of the skills taught in each level please see the Music Theory Syllabus. Each level corresponds to Levine’s Keyboard Skills curriculum and is appropriate for all instruments and voice.
For more information, please contact Evan Meier, Theory Department Chair, at (202) 686-8000 x1598 or