Best of DC 2024 Winner

The votes are in, and Camp Levine has won “Best Summer Camp” in Washington City Paper’s Best of DC Awards! This is the sixth year Camp Levine has been recognized  as one of the Best of DC, and the fourth consecutive year of winning the top spot.

“We did it again! Thanks to our Camp Levine faculty and staff for providing an awesome artistic experience to our campers every summer for the past 37 years. An even bigger thank you to our Camp Levine community. With your support, we achieved six consecutive wins as the #1 Best Summer Camp in DC. Camp Levine is truly #1!” 

 Jazmin Goodson, Director of Camp Levine

Congratulations to the entire Camp Levine community for making every summer at Levine so special and award-worthy. Camp Levine would not be possible without the remarkable leadership of our Director of Summer Programs, Blythe Bonnaffons, and the Director of Camp Levine, Jazmin Goodson, and the hard work and dedication of our extraordinary Camp faculty, staff, and teen apprentices.

The good news doesn’t stop there! Camp Levine has also been nominated for Montgomery Magazine’s “Best of Montgomery” contest, and your vote can help us bring it home!

How to vote for Camp Levine:


Thank you for voting and for supporting our amazing campers, families, teachers, and staff!