Take a moment to reminisce about the first time you attended a live performance, whether it was a play, a musical, a concert, a ballet, or an outdoor festival.
Regardless of your age at that time, you likely experienced the childlike joy that live performances can evoke in people of all ages. While you may never fully recapture that first-time wonder, you can now witness it as you watch your children light up with the same delight.
Taking children to live performances offers more than just the creation of cherished memories; it has the power to ignite their curiosity for learning, both emotionally and musically. Live performances allow students to witness the boundless possibilities of the art form and illustrate how top performers on their instruments sound. Attending live performances can broaden your children’s attention span and impart vital lessons on engaging with new communities and interpreting the emotions of others.
Upcoming Family-Friendly Concert
Levine Presents: The Story of Babar
Saturday, October 28
10 AM & 11:30 AM
MD Campus:
Silver Spring
Tickets are FREE for all students and children, $20 in advance and $25 at the door for adults.
Learning to Be an Engaged Audience Member
Attending a live concert offers a vastly different experience than listening to a recording. It’s an active participation in the creation of art. While recorded music may offer perfection, it doesn’t have the exchange between artist and audience. Attending a live concert allows children to appreciate what the performing musician is offering and provide feedback in return, making it imperative for them to listen attentively and engage in the artist’s message.
Preparing for a Performance
Whether your little one is a seasoned audience member or attending for the first time, it’s always good to talk through the experience before the event. If the performance is at a location new to your child, some children like to see photos of the space. You can talk about where the seats are, where the performers will be, and what instruments they might see and hear.
If the program is available, listen to the music together beforehand. Point out the different sounds the different instruments make. Ask questions: What emotion do you hear in this part of the music? If that sound was an animal, what animal would it be? Close your eyes; what do you see?
Review appropriate audience manners. Remind your child of how to behave in large groups, out in public, and during quiet times. Explain when applause is appropriate.
Upcoming Family-Friendly Performance at Levine
As a community music school, Levine Music opens its doors to music lovers of all ages. We invite you and your family to join us at our upcoming family-friendly concert, Levine Presents: The Story of Babar, on Saturday, October 28, with performances at 10 AM and 11:30 AM at our MD Campus: Silver Spring.
The Story of Babar, Jean de Brunhoff’s popular children’s story of one little elephant’s epic rise from rags to riches, is eloquently set to music by Francis Poulenc and expressively re-imagined with all the enthusiasm and pomp worthy of a royal gathering. Long live King Babar!
Audience is welcome (and encouraged) to wear costumes!
Music will be performed by Levine piano faculty member Topher Ruggiero, and our friends at Really Inventive Stuff will add to the excitement with wardrobe and props.