Misbin Family Memorial Chamber Music Competition
Levine Music and Washington Performing Arts will jointly present the twelfth annual Misbin Family Memorial Chamber Music Competition. The competition is open to instrumental chamber music ensembles. Competitors can enter to compete in one of three divisions: Junior (up to 13 years old), Senior (13-19 years old) and Adult Amateur. The jury panel consists of prominent chamber musicians from the greater Washington music community.
The preliminaries of the competition will be a video submission due by Sunday, March 16, 2025.
The competition’s finals will be held in person at Levine Music NW on Sunday, April 6, 2025, between approximately 11:30 AM and 5:30 PM. The finalists will be assigned a specific performance schedule closer to the date of the finals.
This competition is made possible by the generous support of Dr. Robert Misbin.
Applicants may compete in one of three divisions:
- Junior (average age of ensemble is under 13 years old by March 16, 2025)
- Senior (average age of ensemble is between 13 and 19 years old by March 16, 2025)
- Adult amateur (all group members must be 19 years or older and not professional musicians or currently in a music degree program)
Completed applications and video submissions will be due by Sunday, March 16, 2025.
A complete application consists of:
1) Completed application form, including payment of the appropriate application fee (please see list of application fees below).
2) A link to a video submission on YouTube with appropriate information included in the video description (please see below for video requirements).
3) A PDF of the score performed by the applicants, submitted to misbincompetition@levinemusic.org by March 16, 2025.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Please contact misbincompetition@levinemusic.org with any questions.
Application Fees
All application fees are per group.
“Early Bird” Before March 1, 2025:
Duos – $50 per group
Trios/Quartets – $75 per group
Quintets, Sextets, Septets, and Octets – $100 per group
After March 1, 2025:
Duos – $60 per group
Trios/Quartets – $90 per group
Quintets, Sextets, Septets, and Octets – $120 per group
Prizes and Awards
First Prize
- Cash prize: $100 per group member
- Certificate
- Invitation to the Play-In with the Pros workshop on Sunday, June 15, 2025 at Levine Music’s DC Campus: NW
Misbin Family Memorial Award
Awarded to the best group with piano (Junior and Senior divisions only)
- Cash prize: $100 per group member
- Invitation to the Play-In with the Pros workshop on Sunday, June 15, 2025 at Levine Music’s DC Campus: NW
Second Prize
- Certificate
- Second prize winners could be considered for possible participation in the Play-In with the Pros workshop on Sunday, June 15, 2025 at Levine Music’s DC Campus: NW.
Honorable Mention
- Certificate
Play-In with the Pros is a unique chamber music workshop, offering a chance for the winning groups to play in a side-by-side chamber coaching with professional musicians. The workshop also includes a roundtable discussion for all participants and an informal final performance.
Competition Rules (All Divisions)
The competition is open to instrumental chamber music ensembles (any string or wind instruments, with or without piano) in the following age categories:
- Junior (average age of ensemble is under 13 years as of March 16, 2025)
- Senior (average age of ensemble is above 13 and under 19 years as of March 16, 2025)
- Adult Amateurs (all members are 19 years and up and not professional musicians or in a music degree program)
All divisions must have at least two participating groups to go forward. Under-enrolled divisions will be cancelled.
One or two movements from a major instrumental chamber music work of any musical period. The total program must be no longer than 10 minutes per chamber group.
Concertos and concert pieces with piano accompaniment will not be accepted. Baroque ensembles are encouraged to use standard baroque performance practices (i.e. well-researched editions, unrealized continuo parts, etc.).
Application Process
Each group must complete one online application form (follow link below). The application includes a secure link for the online payment of the application fee. Applications must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Sunday March 16, 2025.
- The preliminary round will be conducted by video submission. All videos must be recorded straight through without interruption or editing. Preliminary application and video submission deadline: Sunday March 16, 2025.
- Applying by the application deadline does not guarantee admittance to the finalist competition. Finalists are chosen by the jury panel.
- Applicants will be adjudicated based on their musicianship, technical ability, interpretation, stage presence, and overall presentation.
- Applications and videos will be reviewed by judges and the list of finalists will be announced by Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
- Groups admitted to the final round of the Misbin Competition will compete in person at Levine Music’s DC Campus: NW on Sunday, April 6, 2025. Performing in person at Levine Music’s DC Campus: NW on Sunday, April 6, 2025 is the only way to participate in the finals.
Complete applications must include a YouTube video link. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered for participation. The application fee is non-refundable.
Please email misbincompetition@levinemusic.org with any questions about the application process.
Preliminary Round: YouTube Video Guidelines
APPLICATION DEADLINE: March 16, 2025 (video must accompany application submission)
Please review the following guidelines for submitting Preliminary Round videos.
- Time Limit: Video must include one or two movements from an instrumental chamber music work of any musical period. The total program must be no longer than 10 minutes per chamber group. If you are playing one movement, which slightly exceeds the time limit (some pieces just do) please plan to omit repeats. Also, please email misbincompetition@levinemusic.org and send the exact timing of the movement without repeats as your group is playing it.
- Video must include unedited complete movements or pieces.
- Excerpts from movements/pieces are not accepted.
- The video repertoire must be the same pieces intended for the finalist competition.
- Video recordings must be made in the last 6 months.
- The video must clearly show all the performers (videos shot from far away will be disqualified).
- It is recommended that competitors submit recordings with a high quality of sound. The use of iPhones or similar recording devices that reproduce good quality sound are acceptable.
- Video and audio editing are prohibited. Judges must see continuous playing (examples: no straight cuts, dissolves, cross dissolving, fading in and out in the middle of the piece). Videos with signs of editing will be disqualified.
- If the video link does not work by the deadline, then the video will be disqualified.
- Recital recordings are acceptable as long as they meet the criteria mentioned above (editing between pieces is fine in this case, as long as the pieces are performed in the same recital).
- Please list the following in the video description box: Division you are applying to (Junior, Senior, Adult Amateur); Group Name (no individual names, coach names or institution names should be listed to avoid disqualification); Composer Name; Piece Name with Opus or other Number;, Movement(s) with tempo indication(s).
The competition applicant agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of Washington Performing Arts and Levine Music’s Misbin Family Memorial Chamber Music Competition. The applicant and parent(s)/ guardian(s) understand that all information listed in the competition application is accurate, and all results, as determined by the official competition judges, are final.
YouTube Submission Information
Mandatory YouTube video submission is due with the completed application by Sunday, March 16, 2025.
STEP 1: Upload Video to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/upload
- VERY IMPORTANT- Create a name for your group. Please DO NOT identify players or coaches on video. Please choose a name for your group that DOES NOT identify players, coaches, or organizations.
- Change privacy setting from ‘PUBLIC’ to ‘UNLISTED’. This way only people with the specific video URL can watch the video
STEP 2: Complete the application and submit the appropriate payment.
STEP 3: Email a PDF of the music score or a link to a music score to misbincompetition@levinemusic.org (this is an important part of your application, as the judges will need this to evaluate the preliminary round).