Register with private piano: $50

Register with non-piano private lessons: $102

All others: $265

Students who enroll in the music theory lab will complete one level of the Level 1-10 theory sequence over the course of the semester. Students complete individualized lessons and assignments based on their progress in the music theory sequence. Students should bring a pencil, a folder, a notebook, and a laptop computer (with headphones) to each class meeting.

Please note: Students should complete the free online placement test to determine placement beyond Level 1. After completing the test, you will receive a class recommendation and registration link from the Department Chair.

For a complete description of the skills taught in each music theory level, please see the Music Theory Syllabus.

For more information, please contact Evan Meier, Theory Department Chair, at (202) 686-8000 x1598 or


Tuition Assistance

Levine Music is dedicated to providing quality music education for all students, opening our doors to anyone who wants to learn music, no matter their ability or financial circumstances.