
Music Theory Online: Level 5

Register with private piano lessons: $20Register with non-piano private lessons: $99All others: $270*Discount applied at checkoutIn Theory Level 5 students continue their study of rhythm, scales, key signatures, intervals, chords, and musical signs and terms. Level 5...

Music Theory Lab: Youth and Teens

Register with private piano: $20Register with non-piano private lessons: $99All others: $270*Discount will be applied at checkout Students who enroll in the music theory lab will complete one level of the theory sequence over the course of the semester. This in-person...

Music Theory Online: Level 1

Register with private piano lessons: $20Register with non-piano private lessons: $99All others: $270*Discount will be applied at checkoutThis introductory class is for any young musician seeking a grounding in the basic ideas and skills that help us make music and...

Exploring and Discovering Music

In this class, more complex songs and games are used to reinforce and expand musical literacy concepts such as beat, rhythm, melodic form, harmony, and expression.Students develop musical independence through improvisation with pitched and unpitched instruments....

Round We Go for Families

This class provides a wonderful opportunity for a caregiver and child to make music together as they participate in singing songs and lullabies, chants, finger plays, wiggles, bounces, listening and movement.Echo songs are introduced, as well as activities that...