MD Campus: Strathmore Newsletter + Announcements


MD Focus Instruments: Grades 3-6

Hi Camp families!  

Below are the focus instruments that will be offered at your camp location this summer for grades 3-6. If you would like to make any changes to your camper’s instrument choice, please be sure to do so through your Levine Music account by Wednesday, May 15th.   

To make changes to your instrument choices: 

  • log into your Levine Music account. 
  • select the blue hyperlink that says, “Change answers to enrollment questions.” 
  • select your camper’s account 
  • click on the drop down for each enrollment to adjust the instrument choices.
MD Session 1  MD Session 2 
1. Piano  1. Piano 
2. Flute 2. Cello
3. Violin 3. Flute 
4. Trumpet  4. Guitar

Note: we cannot guarantee your camper will receive their first-choice instrument. 

Welcome letter
Dear Camp Levine Families,
Welcome to the 37th summer of Camp Levine! We are in full preparation mode and cannot wait to explore the many sounds of the seasons with our theme “Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall: Harmony in All Seasons.”
Over the past 36 years, Camp Levine has cultivated a creative community that provides a safe space for children to explore through music and the arts. Our talented faculty, staff, and teen apprentices help children create lifelong memories through an engaging artistic experience. We are excited to kick off the camp season!
Please take some time to read through the parent handbook and explore the parent portal. It will be updated throughout the summer with newsletters, photos, videos, bios, and helpful links.
Password: camplevine2024!
As we ramp up our camp preparations there will be more emails to come but if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at
We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Jazmin Goodson, Director of Camp Levine
Tuition Assistance Team
2801 Upton Street NW | Washington, DC 20008
Camp Levine Reminders: Session 1 Starts on 6/24
Dear Families,  
The start of Camp Levine Session 1 is just around the corner, and we can hardly wait!
I wanted to send along a few reminders in preparation for the camp season:
Parent Portal  
Each Camp Levine campus has its own portal, with weekly newsletters, announcements, the parent handbook, site-specific health forms, screening links, and teacher bios.  
Password: camplevine2024!
First Day of Camp   
Session 1 begins on Monday, June 24 (closed July 4th). On the first day of camp, please park your vehicle and walk with your camper inside to collect their camper pack.  
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten campers do NOT attend morning sing on the first day of camp. They will meet their teen apprentice and travel to their classrooms. Parents are welcome to accompany them and meet their teachers.  
1/2 Day Program (Pre/K @ Strathmore only): 9:30am – 1:00pm  
Full Day Program: 9:30am – 3:45pm  
Before Care: 8:00am – 9:30am  (no before care on the first day of Camp)
After Care: 3:45pm – 6:00pm 
What to Bring (All campers)  
All items should be labeled with first and last names:
  • Non-perishable lunch  
  • Afternoon snack (please label as a separate snack from lunch)  
  • Water bottle  
Additional items for PreK/K
  • Change of clothes in a plastic bag  
  • Mat or beach towel for quiet time 
What NOT to Bring  
  • Backpacks  
  • Cell phones or (Campers can contact parents from the camp office when needed.)  
  • Tablets, laptops, video games  
  • Toys, candy, gum, or soda 
Morning drop-off/carline 9:15-9:30 AM 
  • Car line starts at 9:15 AM. Any campers arriving before 9:15 AM must go to Before Care.  
  • If you are arriving later than 9:30 AM you will need to walk your child to the Camp Office to be signed in. A member of the camp staff will walk your camper to their class.  
Afternoon pick-up  
  • You may use the car line or park and walk up to pick up your camper(s). If you are walking to pick up your child, be sure to bring your dashboard sign and sign out with a camp staff member.  
  • Families will be given 2 dashboard signs on the first day of camp.  
  • Drivers and walkers without a dashboard sign will be asked for photo ID to confirm they are authorized to pick-up.  
  • To authorize an additional person to pick up your camper, please e-mail your site with your child’s name and the full name of the person you are authorizing. 
Half-day pick-up/carline 1:00-1:15 PM (Strathmore location ONLY)
 There is no after care for half-day campers. Any half-day campers who are not picked up by 1:15 PM will be taken to the Camp Office.  Any campers who are not picked up by 4:00PM will be taken to After Care.
Extended Care
  • There is NO Before Care on the first day of the camp session. 
  • There is after care on the first day of the camp session, however, there will be no drop in options for after care at the NW DC, Strathmore, or Falls Church locations. 
  • Any child who is not enrolled in After Care or picked up by 4pm will be charged a fee of $50
Attendance, Late Arrival, & Early Pick-Up Attendance 
  • If your camper is going to be absent, arriving late or picked up early, please e-mail your site and include your child’s name and camp group.   
  • Late Arrival: If your camper will arrive later than 9:30 AM, call or email your site. 
  • Early Pick-Up: If you need to pick up your camper early, call or email your site. They will make sure your child is ready to be picked up at the appointed time. Your dashboard sign or ID is required for Early Pickup.
Health & Safety  
Allergies & Food  
  • As an open campus, Levine Music does not provide a nut, milk or other allergen-free environment because the risk of accidental exposure is always present.  
  • We do not exclude nuts or other foods packed in individual lunches.  
  • We seat campers with food allergies in a designated “allergy-free” area. All campers are welcome to join their friends, provided their lunch does not contain any foods that could cause an allergic reaction.  
Medication: We DO NOT administer medication at camp. If your child requires medication, you will need to come to the campus and administer the medication. Please note that in an anaphylactic emergency, we will administer an EpiPen.  
EpiPens and inhalers must be clearly labeled with the camper’s name will be kept in the Camp Office along with an Action Plan you provided. We will not accept EpiPens or inhalers without an Action Plan. 
Emergencies: If an injury is serious, we will contact the parent or emergency contact listed on the camper’s Health & Safety Form. If the emergency is severe, emergency personnel will be contacted immediately. 
Sunscreen: Parents are responsible for applying sunscreen to their camper before the camp day. Sunscreen is not provided by Camp Levine, and we are NOT able to apply sunscreen to your child.  
Illness: If your child is not feeling well, has a fever, and/or is suffering from diarrhea or vomiting, please keep them at home. If a camper becomes ill while at camp, we will contact you to come pick up your child. 
Please don’t hesitate to contact us at if you have any questions or concerns.  We look forward to welcoming your child to Camp Levine soon!   
Session 1 Reminders: Week 2

Independence Day: Camp Levine will be closed on Thursday, July 4th 

Instruments: Campers in rising 3rd grade and up bring their focus instruments to and from camp daily. Feel free to encourage your camper to practice and show you what they’ve learned!  

Lunches/Backpacks: Your child is in the rising 1st-6th grade they should only be bringing their lunch, snack, and water bottle to camp. Space is limited, so it is hard to accommodate large backpacks, particularly with older campers are traveling from classes with instruments. Pre/K changes of clothes and rest mats can stay at camp.  

Late drop off: If you arrive after 9:45am, please walk your child to the camp office so we can sign them in and escort them to their class. It is the best way for us to make sure every child is accounted for. Absences/Early Pick-Up: If you are running late to drop-off, need to pick up early, or if your child will be absent, please e-mail your site. 

Games Day: Camp Levine games day takes place during week 2 of the camp session. Specifics about games day at your camp location will be shared by the Site Director. As a reminder, Camp Levine does not administer medication at camp including the application of sunscreen or bug spray. Campers are welcome to apply it to themselves if they can do so.

Phones: Each Camp Levine site now has a designated extension where the Camp staff can be reached. To contact them please use the information below: 

  • NW DC campus: 202 686 8000 x1009 
  • SE DC THEARC campus: 202 686 8000 x1011 
  • Strathmore campus: 202 686 8000 x1012 
  • Falls Church campus: 202 686 8000 x1013 

Instrument Open House: From 8:30-9am at each campus parents will have an opportunity to meet our instrument teachers at each campus and hear more about what your child is learning. At the Instrument Open House, you can speak directly with our instrument teachers about their class and your child’s interests.  

Session 1: Open Houses will happen on the following dates: 

  • Monday, July 8 at THEARC 
  • Monday, July 8 at Falls Church 
  • Wednesday, July 10 at Strathmore 
  • Wednesday, July 10 at NW DC 

If you plan to attend, please complete this very simple form letting us know and if you need Before Care for your child on this day.   

If you can’t join us in-person, please join us online! We will be offering a virtual Lunch Chat on Friday, July 19 from 12-1pm. (A zoom link will be sent out closer to the date).

Session 1 Reminders: Week 3

Reminders for Week 3 

Lunches/Backpacks: If your child is in rising 1st-6th grade they should only be bringing their lunch, snack, and water bottle to camp. Space is limited, so it is hard to accommodate large backpacks, particularly with older campers are traveling from classes with instruments. Pre/K changes of clothes and rest mats can stay at camp.  

All-Camp & Musical Theatre Performances: All-Camp Performances will happen on the second to last day or last day of the camp session, depending on the site. Due to safety precautions and space occupancy, families and friends are not invited to attend the performances. Campers will be perform for their camp community and it will be recorded and shared with families through email and in the Camp Levine Parent Portal. All campers should wear their Camp Levine t-shirts on performance day.  

Performance Videos: All camp families will be emailed a link to their site & session’s performance video as soon as it is available. It may take a while to edit and send them, but they will be on their way as soon as they are completed!  

Attendance: Please email your camp site if your camper will be missing any days during week 3. It is important to for us take this into account while we are planning the rehearsal and performance.  

Instruments: Instruments will not travel home next Thursday afternoon July 11, 2024.

Instrument Open House: From 8:15-9am at each campus parents will have an opportunity to meet our instrument teachers at each campus and hear more about what your child is learning. At the Instrument Open House, you can speak directly with our instrument teachers about their class and your child’s interest.  

Session 1: Open Houses will happen on the following dates: 

  • Monday, July 8 at THEARC 
  • Monday, July 8 at Falls Church 
  • Wednesday, July 10 at Strathmore 
  • Wednesday, July 10 at NW DC 

If you plan to attend, please complete this very simple form letting us know and if you need Before Care for your child on this day.  If you can’t join us in-person, please join us online! We will be offering a virtual Lunch Chat on Friday, July 19 from 12-1pm. (A zoom link will be sent out closer to the date).

Session 1 Reminders: End of Session 1

A few reminders for the end of Session 1:

Artwork, medication, or lost & found left behind? Please email your camp site (emails below) and camp staff can help to arrange a time for you to pick it up. Artwork and lost & found will be held for two weeks before being donated or recycled.
NW DC campus-
Strathmore Campus-
Falls Church Campus-
Session Newsletters– Session 1 newsletters for each site are available below! 
Performance Videos – All camp performances were recorded and will be shared in the parent portal and emailed as soon as it is available. 
Camp-related inquiries – please contact the Director of Camp Levine, Jazmin Goodson, at or the Director of Summer Programs, Blythe Bonnaffons, at
Next Steps – If the Camp Levine experience has revealed a budding musician, I hope you will consider Levine’s many ‘school year’ opportunities. Whether you’re interested in private lessons or a group learning experience, I’m sure Levine has something for your child. And maybe for you, too, since many of our students are adults! I have added direct links for camper aged options on the parent portal under “next steps.” 
Follow Us!– Stay in touch with Camp Levine and Follow us on Facebook! Later in the Fall we will announce Summer 2025’s camp dates and theme. 
I wish you an awesome remainder of your summer and hope to see you and your camper(s) next year at Camp Levine.
Jazmin Goodson, Director of Camp Levine
Camp Levine Session 2 Starts 7/15
Dear Families,  
I am just sending a friendly reminder that Camp Levine session 2 starts next Monday, July 15. We are excited to welcome your campers and can’t wait to see what magic we create this summer! Below are some first day and general camp reminders. 
Contact Information: 
NW DC campus–
Strathmore campus–
SE DC THEARC campus–
Falls Church campus–
NW DC campus: 202 686 8000 x1009
SE DC THEARC campus: 202 686 8000 x1011
Strathmore campus: 202 686 8000 x1012
Falls Church campus: 202 686 8000 x1013
Parent Portal  
Each Camp Levine campus has its own portal, with a session newsletter, announcements, the parent handbook, and teacher bios.  
Password: camplevine2024!
First Day of Camp   
Session 2 begins on Monday, July 15th. On the first day of camp, please park your vehicle and walk with your camper inside to collect their camper pack.  
Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten campers do NOT attend morning sing on the first day of camp. They will meet their teen apprentice and travel to their classrooms. Parents are welcome to accompany them and meet their teachers.  
1/2 Day Program (Pre/K @ Strathmore only): 9:30am – 1:00pm  
Full Day Program: 9:30am – 3:45pm  
Before Care: 8:00am – 9:30am  (no before care on the first day of Camp)
After Care: 3:45pm – 6:00pm 
What to Bring (All campers)  
All items should be labeled with first and last names:
  • Non-perishable lunch  
  • Afternoon snack (please label as a separate snack from lunch)  
  • Water bottle  
Additional items for PreK/K
  • Change of clothes in a plastic bag  
  • Mat or beach towel for quiet time 
What NOT to Bring  
  • Backpacks (only allowed for PreK/K)
  • Cell phones or (Campers can contact parents from the camp office when needed.)  
  • Tablets, laptops, video games  
  • Toys, candy, gum, or soda 
Morning drop-off/carline 9:15-9:30 AM 
  • Car line starts at 9:15 AM. Any campers arriving before 9:15 AM must go to Before Care.  
  • If you are arriving later than 9:30 AM you will need to walk your child to the Camp Office to be signed in. A member of the camp staff will walk your camper to their class.  
Afternoon pick-up  
  • You may use the car line or park and walk up to pick up your camper(s). If you are walking to pick up your child, be sure to bring your dashboard sign and sign out with a camp staff member.  
  • Families will be given 2 dashboard signs on the first day of camp.  
  • Drivers and walkers without a dashboard sign will be asked for photo ID to confirm they are authorized to pick-up.  
  • To authorize an additional person to pick up your camper, please e-mail your site with your child’s name and the full name of the person you are authorizing. 
Half-day pick-up/carline 1:00-1:15 PM (Strathmore location ONLY)
 There is no after care for half-day campers. Any half-day campers who are not picked up by 1:15 PM will be taken to the Camp Office.  Any campers who are not picked up by 4:00PM will be taken to After Care.
Extended Care
  • There is NO Before Care on the first day of the camp session
  • There is after care on the first day of the camp session, however, there will be no drop in options for after care at the NW DC or Strathmore locations. 
  • Any child who is not enrolled in After Care or picked up by 4pm will be charged a fee of $50
Attendance, Late Arrival, & Early Pick-Up Attendance 
  • If your camper is going to be absent, arriving late or picked up early, please e-mail your site and include your child’s name and camp group.   
  • Late Arrival: If your camper will arrive later than 9:30 AM, call or email your site. 
  • Early Pick-Up: If you need to pick up your camper early, call or email your site. They will make sure your child is ready to be picked up at the appointed time. Your dashboard sign or ID is required for Early Pickup.
Health & Safety  
Allergies & Food  
  • As an open campus, Levine Music does not provide a nut, milk or other allergen-free environment because the risk of accidental exposure is always present.  
  • We do not exclude nuts or other foods packed in individual lunches.  
  • We seat campers with food allergies in a designated “allergy-free” area. All campers are welcome to join their friends, provided their lunch does not contain any foods that could cause an allergic reaction.  
Medication: We DO NOT administer medication at camp. If your child requires medication, you will need to come to the campus and administer the medication. Please note that in an anaphylactic emergency, we will administer an EpiPen.  
EpiPens and inhalers must be clearly labeled with the camper’s name will be kept in the Camp Office along with an Action Plan you provided. We will not accept EpiPens or inhalers without an Action Plan. 
Emergencies: If an injury is serious, we will contact the parent or emergency contact listed on the camper’s Health & Safety Form. If the emergency is severe, emergency personnel will be contacted immediately. 
Sunscreen: Parents are responsible for applying sunscreen to their camper before the camp day. Sunscreen is not provided by Camp Levine, and we are NOT able to apply sunscreen to your child.  
Illness: If your child is not feeling well, has a fever, and/or is suffering from diarrhea or vomiting, please keep them at home. If a camper becomes ill while at camp, we will contact you to come pick up your child. 
Please don’t hesitate to contact your camp location if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to welcoming your child to Camp Levine!   
Jazmin Goodson, Director of Camp Levine
Session 2 Reminders: Week 2

Reminders for the end of Session 1:

Instruments: Campers in rising 3rd grade and up bring their focus instruments to and from camp daily. Feel free to encourage your camper to practice and show you what they’ve learned!  

Lunches/Backpacks: Your child is in the rising 1st-6th grade they should only be bringing their lunch, snack, and water bottle to camp. Space is limited, so it is hard to accommodate large backpacks, particularly with older campers are traveling from classes with instruments. Pre/K changes of clothes and rest mats can stay at camp.  

Late drop off: If you arrive after 9:45am, please walk your child to the camp office so we can sign them in and escort them to their class. It is the best way for us to make sure every child is accounted for.

Absences/Early Pick-Up: If you are running late to drop-off, need to pick up early, or if your child will be absent, please e-mail your site. Campers leaving early must be picked up before 3pm. We cannot accommodate campers being picked up after 3pm. 

Games Day: Camp Levine games day takes place during week 2 of the camp session. Specifics about games day at your camp location will be shared by the Site Director. As a reminder, Camp Levine does not administer medication at camp including the application of sunscreen or bug spray. Campers are welcome to apply it to themselves if they can do so.

Phones: Each Camp Levine site now has a designated extension where the Camp staff can be reached. To contact them please use the information below: 

  • NW DC campus: 202 686 8000 x1009 
  • SE DC THEARC campus: 202 686 8000 x1011 
  • Strathmore campus: 202 686 8000 x1012 
  • Falls Church campus: 202 686 8000 x1013 

Instrument Open House: From 8:15-9am at each campus parents will have an opportunity to meet our instrument teachers at each campus and hear more about what your child is learning. At the Instrument Open House, you can speak directly with our instrument teachers about their class and your child’s interests.  

Session 2: Open Houses will happen on the following dates: 

  • Wednesday, July 24 at THEARC 
  • Wednesday, July 24 at Falls Church 
  • Thursday, July 25 at Strathmore 
  • Thursday, July 25 at NW DC 

If you plan to attend, please complete this very simple form letting us know and if you need Before Care for your child on this day.  

Camp Levine Health and Safety
Good morning, Camp Levine families,
Over the past few weeks, we’ve had a few cases of COVID and other viruses across our campuses. We want to ensure a safe and healthy environment for our faculty, staff, and campers, so we are asking everyone to take proper precautions and care for themselves. While wearing a mask is optional, we strongly encourage it. We will continue to encourage hand washing and if your camper is not feeling well, please keep them home.
Our COVID/sick policies are as follows:
COVID: If a camper, staff or faculty member tests positive for COVID they can return to camp after 5 days quarantine (masked) or a negative COVID test result. 
Other illness: If a camper, staff or faculty member is sick with a fever of 100.0 or higher they should go home and not return to camp until at least 24 hours fever free without medication.
Session 2 has been off to a great start! Let’s keep the momentum going.
Jazmin Goodson, Director of Camp Levine
Session 2 Reminders: Week 3

Reminders for Week 3 

Lunches/Backpacks: If your child is in rising 1st-6th grade they should only be bringing their lunch, snack, and water bottle to camp. Space is limited, so it is hard to accommodate large backpacks, particularly with older campers are traveling from classes with instruments. Pre/K changes of clothes and rest mats can stay at camp.  

All-Camp & Musical Theatre Performances: All-Camp Performances will happen on the second to last day or last day of the camp session, depending on the site. Due to safety precautions and space occupancy, families and friends are not invited to attend the performances. Campers will be perform for their camp community and it will be recorded and shared with families through email and in the Camp Levine Parent Portal. All campers should wear their Camp Levine t-shirts on performance day.  

Performance Videos: All camp families will be emailed a link to their site & session’s performance video as soon as it is available. It may take a while to edit and send them, but they will be on their way as soon as they are completed!  

Attendance: Please email your camp site if your camper will be missing any days during week 3. It is important to for us take this into account while we are planning the rehearsal and performance.  

Instruments: Instruments will not travel home the day before your camp sites scheduled performance day. 

Session Newsletters

Camp Levine Final Performances

Check out the final performance videos linked below!

Can’t get enough Camp Levine content?  Follow us on Facebook!