

Private Lessons

Experience customized one-on-one instruction with one of Levine’s talented faculty members.


Group Classes & Ensembles

Discover and explore music in an engaging collaborative setting.

Levine offers private lessons, group classes, ensembles, and jam sessions for guitarists of all styles, ages, and abilities. Students may begin studying guitar at Levine as young as age 3 1/2 as part of the Suzuki method, at age 6 for traditional private lessons, and at age 8 for group classes. Our faculty artists specialize in teaching adults and advanced students of any age.

Learn more about the Suzuki program for guitar.


For more information, contact Mia Pomerantz at

Get Started with Private Lessons

Private Lessons are geared towards each student’s specific goals, needs, and aspirations regardless of experience or age. For new students, we take the time and care to match you with the right teacher to meet your individual musical needs.


Jorge Amaral

Jorge Amaral

Marbelly Davila

Marbelly Davila

Jonathan Franklin Hawkins

Jonathan Franklin Hawkins

Andy Mitchell

Andy Mitchell

Mia Pomerantz

Mia Pomerantz

Gary Prince

Gary Prince

Francisco Quintero

Francisco Quintero

Douglas Rogers

Douglas Rogers

David Steinhardt

David Steinhardt

Akiko Sumi

Akiko Sumi

Mark Sylvester

Mark Sylvester

Eric Ulreich

Eric Ulreich

Alexandra Viloteau

Alexandra Viloteau

Josh Walker

Josh Walker

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