Camp Details

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Join us at Camp Levine for a summer of cultural exploration with our theme, “A Tapestry of Traditions.”

Campers will experience music, stories, and art from around the world, fostering connections and appreciation for diverse cultures.

By the end of each session, campers ages 4-12 and teen apprentices ages 12-18 will gain new skills, friendships, and a deeper understanding of our vibrant world.

Important Camp Levine Information

Enrollment Dates

Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Enrollment opens at 12 PM for returning campers, returning Teen Apprentices, and current Levine students.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Open enrollment begins at 12 PM for all campers and Teen Apprentices.

2025 Camp Levine Dates

Session 1  June 23 – July 11 (no camp on July 4)
Session 2  July 14 – August 1

Full Day 9:30 AM – 3:45 PM
Half Day 9:30 AM – 1 PM (Pre-K/K at our Strathmore MD location only)

Before Care 8 – 9:30 AM
After Care 3:45 – 6 PM

2025 Camp Levine Tuition

Session 1: $1460 (Full Day Tuition)
Session 1: $1020 (Half- Day Tuition Strathmore MD location only)

Session 2: $1550 (Full Day Tuition)
Session 2:  $1055 (Half- Day Tuition Strathmore MD location only)

Camp will fill up quickly! If you are unable to enroll in an available class, we strongly recommend enrolling on the waitlist by calling 202-686-8000 ext 1080 or 0. We will do our best to make space and move campers off the waitlist.

  Our Programs

The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten program is designed for children ranging in age from 4 to 5 years of age. With developmentally appropriate curriculum developed by camp directors and early childhood music educators, our youngest campers explore music and the arts through singing, storytelling, arts and crafts, creative movement, and imaginative play.

Each Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten camper is assigned to a class with one experienced early childhood music educator and teen apprentices, who assist the teacher and campers in the classroom. The class size ranges from 10-14 campers per class. Campers are visited by professional musician/teachers regularly to experience a variety of string, woodwind, percussion, and brass instruments.

Campers must be rising Pre-Kindergarteners or Kindergarteners, out of diapers, and completely potty-trained and independent in the restroom.

Prior musical knowledge/experience is not required. The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs are the same at all Camp Levine locations.

Parents have the option to enroll their children as half day or full day campers.

Half day is 9:30 AM – 1 PM (only available at the Strathmore location)
Full day is 9:30 AM – 3:45 PM

Pre-K and Kindergarten are not available at our VA Campus: West Falls.

The 1st-2nd grade program is designed for campers who are approximately ages 6-7 and entering the 1st-2nd grades during the coming academic year. These camp teams travel to several classrooms/studios to learn from highly qualified teachers with dedicated teen apprentices guiding campers between the scheduled activities.

Highlights of the 1st-2nd grade program include:

Instrument Sampler
The Instrument Sampler class is specific to the 1st-2nd grade camp teams. In smaller groups generally comprised of 2-5 campers, the campers visit each instrumental teacher and try their hand playing a variety of string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments.

Music+ is a general music class that implements the Orff-Schulwerk, Kodály, Feierabend, and Dalcroze teaching methods. Campers are engaged in singing, movement, games, and playing unpitched/pitched percussion instruments.

Afternoon Musical Theatre
Over the course of the three-week session, campers take classes in drama, vocal music, dance, production art, and puppetry and magic. The teachers of these classes work collaboratively. The program culminates at the final all-camp performances.

The 3rd-6th grade program is designed for campers who are approximately ages 8-12 and entering the 3rd through 6th grades during the coming academic year. These camp teams travel to several classrooms/studios to learn from highly qualified teachers with dedicated teen apprentices guiding campers between the scheduled activities.

Highlights of the 3rd-6th grade program include:

Focus Instrument
The Instrument Focus class is specific to the 3rd-6th grade camp teams. When registering for Camp Levine, campers entering the 3rd through 6th grades select a first, second, and third choice focus instrument. The selected first, second, and third choice instruments must be instruments which the camper has never played. Once focus instrument assignments are made, campers receive three weeks of instruction on the focus instrument in a small group setting. Instruments are provided to the campers for the duration of the three weeks, which they can bring to/from camp with them. At the end of the three-week session, campers will be prepared to perform a song on their focus instrument at the final all-camp performances.

**Please note that Camp Levine staff cannot guarantee that 3rd-6th campers will receive their first-choice instrument. Additionally, your chosen instrument choices may not be available at your preferred camp location. If you and your camper are primarily interested in instruction on a specific instrument, please consider Levine Music’s other camps, classes, lessons, and workshops.**

Music+ is a general music class that implement the Orff-Schulwerk, Kodály, Feierabend, and Dalcroze teaching methods. Campers are engaged in singing, movement, games, and playing unpitched/pitched percussion instruments.

Afternoon Musical Theatre
Over the course of the three-week session, campers take classes in drama, vocal music, dance, production art, and puppetry and magic. The teachers of these classes work collaboratively. The program culminates at the final all-camp performances.

The Teen Apprentice program is a great way for pre-teens and teens in rising 7th – 12th grade to learn new skills, stay involved with the camp community, and earn volunteer hours. 

The Teen Apprentice Program consists of responsible, mature, and enthusiastic junior high and high school students who assist groups of campers, support teachers in the classroom, learn effective techniques for working with children, and put their love of music and the arts to use. Teen Apprentices do not need to have any musical knowledge or previous experience with Camp Levine or Levine Music. 

For more information, visit our Teen Apprentice page.

  Additional Information

ActiveNet Account

Do we have the right contact information for you?

Please double check your email and mailing address in our Online Registration System.

We’d hate for you to miss any announcements, so make sure your contact information is accurate and you are subscribed to our e-mails.
Your login is your email address. If you don’t know your password, just click the link to reset.

If you don’t have an account already, save time and create one now for you and your child!

Tuition Details

2025 Tuition:
Session 1: $1460 (full day tuition)
Session 1: $1020 (half day tuition MD Strathmore ONLY)

Session 2: $1550 (full day tuition)
Session 2: $1055 (half day tuition MD Strathmore ONLY)

A $250 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration for full day campers. A $150 non-refundable deposit is due upon registration for half-day campers.

Half day is available for PreK/K students at our MD Strathmore campus only. Half day is 9:30-1:00pm.

Sibling discount: a $50 discount is applied for siblings
Refer-a-Friend: Refer a friend who is new to Camp Levine and the camper and friend each receive $25 off tuition
All discounts are applied retroactively for families who register online. Contact Student Services to request your discount.

Transaction Handling Fee:

All Levine tuition payment transactions incur a 2% Transaction Handling Fee. This fee helps to offset the transaction processing charges that Levine pays for every financial transaction in our enrollment system. The Transaction Handling Fee is non-refundable and will be automatically applied for each transaction.

Tuition Assistance:
Learn more about Camp Levine Tuition Assistance.

Extended Care

Before Care and After Care is available at all Camp Levine locations. Families are encouraged to register for Before and/or After Care at the time of enrollment, since space is limited.
Enrollment in Before Care and/or After Care can continue until one week prior to the start of the camp session, space permitting.

Any enrollments or withdrawals in Before and/or After Care made after these dates will be charged a $35 change fee.

Before Care (8 – 9:30 AM): $260/session
After Care (3:30 – 6 PM)$365/session

There will be no drop in options available. If extended care is needed at any point during the session(s), we encourge families to complete enrollment for extended care. Drop-in may be available at other locations dependent upon the availability in the programs. Please e-mail your site staff to request a drop-in.


Camp Levine campers’ range in age from 4 to 12 years old (PreK through rising 6th graders).

Pre-Kindergarten campers must be 3.5 years old by January 1, 2025, in order to enroll. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten camp is not available at our VA Campus: West Falls.

Teen Apprentices must be rising 7th-12th graders in order to apply for the program.

Campers and Teen Apprentices must be enrolled in the camp class for the grade level they will be entering in the upcoming school yearWhen enrolling, the age range is broad because our registration system does not recognize a current age versus the age the child will be when camp begins.  


DC Campus: NW
2801 Upton Street, NW, Washington, DC 20008

1901 Mississippi Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20020
Learn more about Camp Levine at THEARC

MD Campus: Strathmore
The Music Center at Strathmore, 5301 Tuckerman Lane, N. Bethesda, MD 20852

VA Campus: West Falls
255 West Falls Station Blvd, Falls Church, VA 22043
This summer, Camp Levine at Virginia will welcome students 6 years old and up. As we get settled in our new space in West Falls, we are currently unable to offer pre-kindergarten and kindergarten classes. Campers at our West Falls location may only register for one session this summer.


Focus Instrument Descriptions

Campers in rising grades 3-6 receive three weeks of instruction on a “focus” instrument in a small group setting. When registering for Camp Levine, these campers are asked to select a first, second, and third choice focus instrument. These must be three different instruments which the camper has never played before.

To learn more about the instruments offered at Camp Levine, please read the general descriptions below:

The flute is made of metal but it is a member of the woodwind family of instruments. A sound is made by blowing across the hole in the headjoint. The flute has the highest pitch range of the woodwinds. 

The clarinet is made of wood and is a member of the woodwind family. Sound is produced when a reed on a mouthpiece vibrates to produce a sound wave inside the instrument’s body. The clarinet has a wide range, slightly lower than a flute. 

The saxophone is made of brass but it is considered a woodwind instrument. Sound is produced when a reed on a mouthpiece vibrates to produce a sound wave inside the instrument’s body. There are different types of saxophones—campers studying saxophone at Camp Levine learn the alto saxophone. 

The trumpet is a brass instrument. A sound is produced when the player buzzes their lips close together while blowing through the mouthpiece. The trumpet has the highest range of the brass family. 

The guitar is part of the string family. A sound is made by strumming or plucking the 6 strings. Guitar students at Camp Levine learn the classical guitar. Classical guitar is non-electric, and instruments are wooden with nylon strings (not steel). The skills learned on classical guitar can be translated to other types of guitars. 

The violin is the highest instrument in the bowed string family. A sound is most commonly made by drawing a bow across the strings. The violin is made of wood, and the bow is made of horse hair (or a synthetic alternative). The violin is sometimes called a fiddle. 

The cello is the second lowest, and largest instrument in the bowed string family. A sound is most commonly made by drawing a bow across the strings. Because of its size, cello players sit to play the instrument, holding the cello between the knees. The cello is made of wood, and the bow is made of horse hair (or a synthetic alternative). 

The piano is a keyboard instrument. A sound is made when the player uses their fingers to press down the keys. Camp Levine piano students will use the pianos and keyboards on campus, a piano is not required at home. 

Percussion can refer to several different instruments that involve beating or striking to make a sound. At Camp Levine, percussion students will be exposed to several percussion instruments including drums, bells and Orff instruments, and body percussion.  


Camp Levine Sample Schedule
This is a basic sample schedule and subject to change. This schedule does not refelect special events like games day and final performances.
Time Pre/K 1st & 2nd  3rd & 4th 5th & 6th
8:00 – 9:30 Before Care
9:15 – 9:30 Carline
9:30 – 9:45 Morning Sing
9:50 – 10:25 Circle Time Sports & Games Focus Instrument Arts & Crafts
10:30 – 11:05 Outdoor Play General Music Sports & Games Focus Instrument
11:10 – 11:45 Lunch Lunch General Music Sports & Games
11:50 – 12:25 Visiting Instrument Arts & Crafts Lunch Lunch
12:30 – 1:05 Dance & Movement Sampler Instrument Arts & Crafts General Music
1:00pm 1/2 day carline
1:10 – 1:40 Quiet Time Drama Break & Snack Vocal & Choral
1:45 – 2:15 Arts & Crafts Break & Snack Vocal & Choral Dance
2:20 – 2:50 Break & Snack Vocal & Choral Dance Drama
2:55 – 3:25 Drama & Story telling Dance Drama Break & Snack
3:30 – 3:40 Afternoon Spotlight & Pack Up
3:45 – 4:00 Carline
4:00 – 6:00 After Care

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