Camp Levine General Information
Account & Registration System
Do we have the right contact information for you?
Please double check your email and mailing address in our Online Registration System.
We’d hate for you to miss any announcements, so make sure your contact information is accurate and you are subscribed to our e-mails.
Your login is your email address. If you forgot password, just click the link to reset.
If you don’t have an account already, save time and create one now for you and your child!
If you are experiencing difficulty with your Levine Music account or enrolling for Camp Levine, please contact Levine Music’s Student Services Office at or 202-686-8000 ext. 1076 or ext. 1042.
Age Requirements, Grades, & Groups
Camp Levine campers’ range in age from 4 to 12 (rising 6th graders). Pre-Kindergarten campers must be 3.5 years old by January 15th to enroll. Teen Apprentices must be rising 7th-12th graders to apply for the program.
Campers and Teen Apprentices must be enrolled in the camp class for the grade level they will be entering in the upcoming school year. When enrolling, the age range is broad because our registration system does not recognize a current age versus the age the child will be when camp begins.
If your camper or teen apprentice has been accidentally enrolled in the incorrect class/age group, please contact Student Services at or 202-686-8000 ext. 1076 or ext. 1042.
Focus Instruments
The Instrument Focus class is specific to the 3rd-6th grade camp teams. When registering for Camp Levine, campers entering the 3rd through 6th grades select a first, second, and third choice focus instrument. These must be three different instruments which the camper has never played before.
Once focus instrument assignments are made, campers receive three weeks of instruction on the focus instrument in a small group setting. Instruments are provided to the campers for the duration of the three weeks, which they can bring to/from camp with them. At the end of the three-week session, campers will be prepared to perform a song on their focus instrument at the final all-camp performances.
Focus instruments vary depending upon the site, session, and teacher availability. Families can learn more about the instruments offered at Camp Levine by visiting our Camp Details page. Camp Levine cannot guarantee that 3rd-6th grade campers will receive their choice instrument. Additionally, your chosen instrument choices may not be available at your preferred camp location. If you and your camper are primarily interested in instruction on a specific instrument, please consider Levine Music’s other camps, classes, lessons, and workshops.
Changes to a camper’s focus instrument choices can be made until May 15 by logging into your Levine Music account. Once you are logged in select “Change answers to enrollment questions.” Any changes made to a camper’s first, second, and third choice focus instruments made after May 15th will not be honored.
Friend Requests
At the time of enrollment, parents are prompted to enter the names of any of their child’s friends who are attending Camp Levine. If your child would like to be in the same camp group as a friend, please be sure to list the friend’s first and last names. Names can be entered or removed from your registration any time prior to May 15th.
Camp Levine staff does all they can honor friend requests, but in some cases, these requests may not be possible. Campers who are different ages/entering different grade levels cannot be in the same group/team. Due to the nature of Camp Levine’s schedule, and campers dividing into smaller teams for instrumental classes, it may only be possible for campers to be together for most/half of the day, depending upon the specific situation.
To add a friend’s name to an existing registration before May 15th, log into your Levine Music account. Once you are logged in, select “Change answers to enrollment questions.” Please note that any additions/removals of friend requests made after May 15th cannot be honored.
Camper Expectations & Behavioral Guidance
Campers are expected to consistently behave in a manner that is appropriate, respectful, and safe. Camp Levine staff, teachers, and teen apprentices guide campers to become positive members of the Camp Levine community by providing clear guidelines, redirecting children to positive and appropriate actions/behavior, and recognizing positive behaviors.
Campers are expected to show respect for their fellow campers, teen apprentices, and teachers. Undesirable behavior, non-compliance, inappropriate language, and bullying will be addressed. Any acts of violence, repeatedly disruptive/inappropriate behavior, and/or repeated non-compliance will result in suspension and/or expulsion without refund. Levine Music reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to dismiss, without refund, a camper for inappropriate or unsafe conduct, if dismissal is in the best interest of the camper, the rest of the campers, teachers, and/or staff.
Dress Code
Campers are encouraged to dress comfortably and wear clothes that are suitable to wear for outdoor play and art projects. Campers should wear shoes that are safe and secure for running and playing. All campers, camp staff, faculty, and teen apprentices are required to wear name tags. One camp t-shirt is provided to each camper, teen apprentice, and faculty member. The camp t-shirt is worn for the final camp performances.
Drop-Off, Pick-Up, & Transportation
The camp day begins at 9:30 AM. Families may drop off their campers from 9:15-9:30 AM through the car line or by walking their campers inside.
The camp day ends at 3:45 PM. Families may pick up their children from 3:45-4:00 PM through the car line or by walking up. Any campers who are not picked up by 4:00 PM will be taken to and billed for a drop-in at aftercare.
Transportation is not provided by Camp Levine. All campers must have a designated adult pick up the camper at dismissal/aftercare. Since Camp Levine does not have safety patrols or crossing guards, campers are not permitted to walk home without a designated adult.
Before Care is available from 8:00-9:30 AM and After Care is available from 4:00-6:00 PM. Campers can be enrolled for the duration of the three-week session or can drop-in on an “as needed” basis, depending upon the availability of space in the program.
Lunch & Snacks
Campers bring a non-perishable lunch, small afternoon snack, and water bottle to Camp Levine daily.
Payment Plan
The Camp Levine payment plan is separate to any other Levine Music payment plan. All parents enrolling in the Camp Levine payment plan must have a valid credit card on file. If the card on file is declined on the March 15 or May 15 payment plan installment dates, the account becomes delinquent. Families must contact Student Services (202-686-8000 ext. 1076 or ext. 1042) immediately with payment information. If Student Services is not contacted and payment information is not provided, the camper’s placement in Camp Levine will be forfeited without refund.
Tuition Assistance
Levine Music’s tuition assistance application for Camp Levine will be available starting November 22, 2025. Applicants seeking tuition assistance for Camp Levine are encouraged to apply. For more information or to apply for tuition assistance please visit Levine’s tuition assistance website.
Camp Levine Policies
Attendance & Absences
Camp Levine does not prorate or refund for absences. If a camper must miss a class, will arrive late, or needs to be picked up early, please e-mail the site director at your camp location to make arrangements.
Camp Levine Refund & Withdrawal Policy
- Should Camp Levine have to cancel camp for summer 2025 prior to the start of the program, we will provide a full refund.
- Should Camp Levine need to close or cancel during the camp session, we will prorate and refund the remaining tuition for the remaining days that a camper is enrolled.
- If the camper withdraws prior to May 15, any tuition paid will be refunded, aside from the non-refundable deposit ($250 for the full day program, $150 for the half day program, $50 for the Teen Apprentice Program).
- If a camper withdraws after May 15, the family is responsible for the full tuition. No refunds will be granted.
- Withdrawals from Camp Levine must be requested by completing the Camp Levine Refund/Withdrawal Form.
- Camp Levine tuition cannot be prorated or refunded for camp absences.
- Any changes made to camp enrollment (changing site, session, half day to full day, full day to half day, requesting friends, etc.) after May 15, will be charged a $35 change fee.
Health & Wellness
All of Levine Music’s campuses are open campuses, where a variety of lessons and group classes are offered. For that reason, Camp Levine is unable to provide a nut, milk, or allergen-free environment because the risk of accidental exposure is always present. However, we do all we can to maintain the safety of those with allergies.
All campers attending Camp Levine are required to be fully potty-trained and completely independent in the restroom. If a camper needs support in the restroom, or is having repeated accidents, the camper will be dismissed from Camp Levine.
EpiPens & Inhalers
EpiPens and inhalers are stored in the camp offices at each site. All EpiPens and inhalers are stored with their designated action plans. An action plan must be provided by the camper’s doctor. EpiPens, inhalers, and action plans should be dropped off at the camp site prior to the first day of camp. The EpiPen and inhaler must remain on site for the duration of the camp session. Any child dropped off at Camp Levine without their prescribed EpiPen or inhaler will not be permitted to remain at camp.
First Aid & Medical Emergencies
All campuses are equipped with first aid kits to handle minor injuries. If an injury is serious, camp staff will contact the parent or emergency contact listed on the Health & Safety Form. If the emergency is severe, emergency personnel will be contacted immediately.
Children exhibiting symptoms of illness must remain home for at least 24 hours or until the symptoms subside. If a camper becomes ill while at camp, camp staff will contact the parent(s). In the event of illness, parent(s) are responsible for promptly picking up their children. Any contagious conditions must be reported to the Site Director immediately. Children may not attend Camp Levine until they are no longer contagious. Camp Levine campers and staff are asked to adhere to Levine Music’s COVID-19 policies.
Camp Levine staff DOES NOT administer medication at Camp Levine. If your child requires medication administered during the camp day, you will need to go to the campus and administer the medication. Please note that in an anaphylactic emergency, an Epi-pen will be administered.
Instrument Loans
Campers in 3rd grade and up, who are not focusing on the piano or harp, will be provided an instrument they can bring to/from camp.
The instrument loaned to your child must be properly cared for and returned on the last day of the camp session in the same condition that it was received. In case of loss or damage to the instrument and/or all of its parts and accessories while in the possession of your child, the enrolling adult is responsible for the cost of repair and/or replacement of the instrument.
Insufficient Class Enrollment & Cancellation
Levine Music and Camp Levine reserves the right to close registration for classes that are filled and to cancel or alter classes that are undersubscribed.
Photography & Videography
Levine Music reserves the right and may give permission to appropriate staff or outside personnel and representatives of the media, to photograph and record (video or audio) classes, programs, performances, and participants at all our facilities and properties. Please be aware that these photos or recordings are for promotional purposes and may be used in future Levine Music, Camp Levine, and/or other print or electronic publications and media communications. By enrolling in Camp Levine, families consent to video/audio recording or taking photographs of you and/or your child for these promotional purposes.
Weather & Closures
Campers do go outside daily, weather permitting. In cases of inclement weather and extreme heat, campers will remain indoors.
In the event it becomes necessary to close the camp due to inclement weather or other circumstances, we cannot guarantee the makeup of lost camp time. No refunds or credits will be issued in the event of a weather or other uncontrollable event or closure. Schedule changes due to inclement weather will be posted on We will also attempt to contact parents via e-mail or phone.
Wait List
Camp Levine fills quickly, and classes/sessions will sell out. If space is unavailable in a selected class/session, please consider signing up for the wait list. Camp Levine and Levine Music’s Student Services staff do all they can to get campers on the wait list enrolled. Space may be available in the desired class for another site/session. Please note that movement on the wait list is variable and cannot be predicted by Camp Levine or Student Services staff.